What We Believe

Together, we encourage and equip each other into a growing relationship with Jesus.

Core Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of C112 based on the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.


The inerrant and inspired word of God, called the Scriptures, consists of the 39 books of the old testament and 27 books for the new testament.   These are the revelation of God to man, and none other, and these have been given that we may know God.


There is one true, living God.  He is the creator of the universe and sustainer and author of life.  The story of existence point to Him., and He is set apart and Holy, separate from anything else, deserving glory. He is triune. God in three persons, revealed as Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus, the Son of God, stepped down from His throne in eternity, entered into humanity as fully God and fully man through the work of the Holy Spirit in the virgin Mary.  Jesus was without sin, yet tempted and tried as we are.  He lived perfectly, giving His life on the cross, defeating sin and satan, and bringing life through the power of the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.

The Spirit

The Holy Spirit indwells and seals believers upon salvation and also gives spiritual gifts, while working to draw men to the Savior, uniting believers, and convicting us of sin.


Man is made in the image of God, created to point to the Father.

The Church

The Church, as the bride of Christ, is the primary vehicle for sharing the Gospel with nations.


Baptism and the LORD'S supper are the two ordinances of Jesus Christ, and immersion baptism is the outward expression of what has happened spiritually inside the new believer.


Marriage is the union of one man to one woman, noted as the first institution God created.  Marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church.

The End

Regarding the end time, Jesus wins, and the role of the believer is to share the Gospel to the nations.

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